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сообщение 14.5.2008, 13:36
Сообщение #61
beauty and vanity
Группа: Свой
Сообщений: 5 507
Регистрация: 24.2.2006
Из: Россия, Санкт-Петербург
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Пол:   мужской


Превью всех песен с нового альбома. С первого взгляда кажется, что Спаркс ушли по уши в минимализм: фортепиано Рона и вокал Рассела - и все тут. Но что-то все-таки подсказывает, что альбом будет разнообразным, и без рок-музыки на нем не обойдется...

P.S. Одни названия песен уже очень многого стоят dp.gif

Flashback TV (90's): http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLNon...x-ynSkGKnOVxcUs
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сообщение 14.5.2008, 14:40
Сообщение #62
Плодово-ягодный фанат
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Хм... А мне понравились превьюшки!

Леша, недавно приятелю на ДР искал винил в ПЛ, и нашел несколько альбомов на виниле Спаркс. Сразу подумал о тебе! rolleyes.gif

Take my Soul Away
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сообщение 14.5.2008, 15:52
Сообщение #63
beauty and vanity
Группа: Свой
Сообщений: 5 507
Регистрация: 24.2.2006
Из: Россия, Санкт-Петербург
Пользователь №: 11
Пол:   мужской

Цитата(Олег @ 14.5.2008, 15:40) *

Хм... А мне понравились превьюшки!

Хехе! Ну, Олег, отгда ты не отвертишься от прослушивания альбома целиком. Когда он выйдет, конечно... rolleyes.gif

Цитата(Олег @ 14.5.2008, 15:40) *

Леша, недавно приятелю на ДР искал винил в ПЛ, и нашел несколько альбомов на виниле Спаркс. Сразу подумал о тебе! rolleyes.gif

Наверное, их самые известные работы 70-х годов. Наверняка, там был диск "Kimono My House", где на обложке братья Маэлы в образе 2-х японок... mySm8.gif

Вот как переводятся некоторые названия песен с нового альбома:

- Посади обезьяну за руль
- Я залетел от нее
- Я никогда в жизни не был под кайфом
- Не поверю, если вы купитесь на всю лажу в этой песне
- Повеселей, Моррисси!
- Фотошоп
- Режиссер, который никогда не кричал "Снято!"

Уже горю нетерпением ознакомиться с лирикой этих песен. А первое мнение таково: знакомство братьев с Максом Покровским не прошло для них даром :)))))))))))))))))))))))

Flashback TV (90's): http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLNon...x-ynSkGKnOVxcUs
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сообщение 19.5.2008, 20:17
Сообщение #64
beauty and vanity
Группа: Свой
Сообщений: 5 507
Регистрация: 24.2.2006
Из: Россия, Санкт-Петербург
Пользователь №: 11
Пол:   мужской


Супер-мега волшебная ссылка!!!

По ней можно в означенные дни и в означенное время (т.е. по Гринвичу плюс минус местное время) посмотреть живьем все живые концерты Спарксов с 16 мая по 13 июня.

Как уже писал, на каждом из концертов будет полностью сыграно по одному альбому из спарксовской дискографии. Вчера в полночь я прослушал (и посмотрел!) концерт, на котором братья Маэлы полностью отыграли все песни с альбома "Kimono My House" 1974 года. В том же далеком 1974-м Спарксы выпустили и мой супер-мега любимый альбом "Propaganda" (который я очень советовал послушать нашей Lizzy :), это состоится завтра в 21.00 по лондонскому времени (и, соотвественно, в полночь по московскому). Так что придется пожертвовать ирландской индейкой (дв и половиной Евровидения), но такое пропустить невозможно! Все песни с "Propaganda" живьем!!!!!!

Эх, устроили бы такое Крэнберриз! Страсть, как охота услышать живое исполнение "Fee Fi Fo", хотя бы и в записи....

Flashback TV (90's): http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLNon...x-ynSkGKnOVxcUs
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сообщение 21.5.2008, 17:06
Сообщение #65
Скелетон и Лунатик
Группа: Модератор
Сообщений: 22 965
Регистрация: 2.3.2006
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Пол:   мужской

Нифига себе они продвинутые. :)

Well, there's a light at the end of the road...
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сообщение 22.5.2008, 13:28
Сообщение #66
beauty and vanity
Группа: Свой
Сообщений: 5 507
Регистрация: 24.2.2006
Из: Россия, Санкт-Петербург
Пользователь №: 11
Пол:   мужской

"Amateur Hour" - одна из шикарнейших песен Спаркс, но, прочитав лириксы, я полюбил ее еще больше. Ознакомьтесь!


Lawns grow plush in the hinterlands
It's the perfect little setting for the one night stands
Now the drapes are drawn and the lights are out
It's the time to put in practice what you've dreamed about

She can show you what you must do
To be more like people better than you

Amateur Hour goes on and on
When you turn pro you know she'll let you know
Amateur Hour goes on and on
When you turn pro you know
She tells you so

Girls grow tops to go topless in
While we sit and count the hairs that blossom from our chins
Our voices change at a rapid pace
I could start a song a tenor and then end as bass

Choose your partners everyone
If you hesitate, the good ones are gone


Dance, laugh, wine, dine, talk and sing
But those cannot replace what is the real thing
It's a lot like playing the violin
You cannot start off to be Yehudi Menuhin


ЗЫ. Просто настоящий гимн весеннему настроению и весеннему сексу!!! yahoo.gif

Flashback TV (90's): http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLNon...x-ynSkGKnOVxcUs
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сообщение 23.5.2008, 12:12
Сообщение #67
Скелетон и Лунатик
Группа: Модератор
Сообщений: 22 965
Регистрация: 2.3.2006
Пользователь №: 15
Пол:   мужской

Я сейчас послушал новую песню Good Morning, которую Леша подкинул мне вконтакте. Песня реально поднимает настроение. :))) Текст очень веселый. :)

Well, there's a light at the end of the road...
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сообщение 23.5.2008, 22:45
Сообщение #68
beauty and vanity
Группа: Свой
Сообщений: 5 507
Регистрация: 24.2.2006
Из: Россия, Санкт-Петербург
Пользователь №: 11
Пол:   мужской

Цитата(jv11 @ 23.5.2008, 13:12) *

Я сейчас послушал новую песню Good Morning, которую Леша подкинул мне вконтакте. Песня реально поднимает настроение. :))) Текст очень веселый. :)

Хехехе! Юра, я тебя решил добить еще одной песенкой с нового альбома oops.gif глянть в контакт rolleyes.gif

А сегодня (уже через 19 минут) я буду смотреть очередной концерт Спарксов, где будет полностью отыгран их альбом 1976 года "The Big Beat" (самый панк-роковый в их многостилевой дискографии), хотя жду-не дождусь их "The No. 1 In Heaven" - первого 100% электронного альбома 1979 года, которым сильно вдохновлялся Винс Кларк, когда клепал первый альбом Depeche Mode. twisted.gif sm89.gif

А на извечный вопрос, почему Спаркс такие непопулярные, у меня уже давно сложился ответ: потому что их музыка слишком хороша для этого мира dp.gif

Flashback TV (90's): http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLNon...x-ynSkGKnOVxcUs
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сообщение 24.5.2008, 13:40
Сообщение #69
Скелетон и Лунатик
Группа: Модератор
Сообщений: 22 965
Регистрация: 2.3.2006
Пользователь №: 15
Пол:   мужской

Все, Леша, ты меня уговорил. :))) Давай ссылку на весь их новый альбом. :)

I've Never Been High очень понравилась, концовка вообще шикарная. Короче, тронуло. :) Солист так искренне сокрушается, что никогда в жизни не торчал, что ему начинаешь сочувствовать. :) Ну и опять же эта грустная самоирония, которая подкупила меня еще в Good Morning. "If I could buy it, maybe I'd try it / But my сonnections aren't what they once were." :)))

А вот Amateur Hour, честно говоря, ПОКА не зацепила. Но это не значит, что она мне не понравится в будущем. :) У меня так часто бывает, что проходят недели-месяцы-годы, и у меня типа открывается какая-то чакра и я понимаю, что меня просто прет и плющит от песни, которая когда-то прошла мимо меня. :) Но то, что точно понравилось в Amateur Hour, -- это текст! Опять эта самоирония и где-то даже стеб. :)

А вообще у Sparks есть что-то типа The Best Of? Типа ликбез для начинающих? :)

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сообщение 29.5.2008, 11:57
Сообщение #70
beauty and vanity
Группа: Свой
Сообщений: 5 507
Регистрация: 24.2.2006
Из: Россия, Санкт-Петербург
Пользователь №: 11
Пол:   мужской

Юра, отвечаю на твой вопрос: у Sparks есть несколько сборников по типу Best Of, но они совершенно не отражают деятельность группы, а только отдельные периоды творчества. Тем более, что единого сборника не существует :)

А вот и "Exotic Creatures Of The Deep":


01 - "Intro" - 1:02
02 - "Good Morning" - 3:53
03 - "Strange Animal" - 5:45
04 - "I Can't Believe That You Would Fall for All the Crap in This Song" - 3:54
05 - "Let the Monkey Drive" - 4:09
06 - "Intro Reprise" - 0:24
07 - "I've Never Been High" - 4:31
08 - "(She Got Me) Pregnant" - 4:13
09 - "Lighten Up, Morrissey" - 4:14
10 - "This is the Renaissance" - 3:45
11 - "The Director Never Yelled 'Cut'" - 3:54
12 - "Photoshop" - 4:01
13 - "Likeable" - 6:13


Flashback TV (90's): http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLNon...x-ynSkGKnOVxcUs
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сообщение 29.5.2008, 12:20
Сообщение #71
beauty and vanity
Группа: Свой
Сообщений: 5 507
Регистрация: 24.2.2006
Из: Россия, Санкт-Петербург
Пользователь №: 11
Пол:   мужской

Good Morning

Good morning
Who are you?
I woke up and saw you
I'm dreaming, still dreaming
My life is now about to have some meaning

Good morning
I'm thinking
I must have
Been drinking
And said something clever
It must have been the best line from me ever

Thank you, God, for something rare as this
What surely must have been a holy night of bliss
Gratitude for having thought of me
I know your time is tight, and yet you thought of me

Good morning
You woke up
Got dressed up
Hair messed up
While I fix you breakfast
I hope it's just your laugh that is infectious

Good morning
In sorrow
I know that
You'll be with some winner
Who's richer, younger, maybe even thinner

Rubles in the bank and petrol in the tank of some Mercedes Benz
Who spends and spends and spends on booked up restaurants
A thousand phony fronts
But will he ever wish you a good morning?

Thank you, God, for something rare as this
What surely must have been a holy night of bliss
Gratitude for having thought of me
I know your time is tight, and yet you thought of me

And did I stumble have a fall,
Hit my head against a wall
At some point did we trade vows?
Are you just some high-priced service from uptown?

Good morning
Buon giorno
Buenas dias
Hey, where you going?
Hey, where you going?
Does dasvedonya really mean good morning?

Please spare me derision
I'll do my rendition
A lengthy recital
Of every song with foolish in the title

Good morning
Good morning

Good morning
I need you, I need you
Who are you?

Strange Animal

When the strange animal with the strange set of plans
Came to town last July there was blood on his hands
And it now comes to light he had been in a fight
With some government men who were as high as a kite
What a strange animal we are
What a strange animal we are

There are songs that are sealed that will not let you in
But he came upon a song that was open to him
To get out of the rain, it was cold it was strong
Well, the Strange Animal, walked right into the song
What a strange animal we are
What a strange animal we are

What a strange, what a strange animal
What a strange, what a strange animal
What a strange, what a strange animal
What a strange animal we are
What a strange animal we are

What a strange animal we are
What a strange animal we are
What a strange animal we are
What a strange animal we are

I had nowhere to go so I entered your song
So I entered your song, hope you don't think me wrong
Well it's warm and it's dry, it's a nasty old night
It's a nasty ol' night and I must look a sight

There's something 'bout him that is frightening
And right on cue a bolt of lightning
I'll just sit over here till the chorus appears
Would you think it a sin if I start chiming in
What a strange animal we are
What a strange animal we are
What a strange animal we are
What a strange animal we are
We are
What a strange animal we are

If I may be quite frank and I'm not pulling rank
And I know I'm a guest and I know you know best
But the song lacks a heart, comes off overly smart
An emotional core, ain't that what songs are for
There's something 'bout him I'm not liking
Somebody tell him to get hiking
But you need to be clear and a lot more sincere
Wake me up,will you friend, when the verse finally ends
What a strange animal we are
What a strange animal we are
What a strange animal we are
What a strange animal we are
We Are..We are..We are

But the ones in the song who had been there so long
Grew impatient and seethed and they asked him to leave
But he said, Not so fast,unaware of my past
You allowed me inside, you can't push me aside
When a song lets me in I can see where it's been
If it's broken some hearts, if it's been in the charts
But this song shows no sign of a grander design
Entertainment or art, one should know from the start

You're in need of a fix or a total remix
So I must kill you all, start again,had a ball
I'm a strange animal and I find you quite dull
Here's that chorus again, that can stay,here's the end
What a strange animal we are
What a strange animal we are
What a strange animal we are
What a strange animal we are

I can't believe that you would fall for all the crap in this song

I want you
and only you and only you and only you, my love
I need you
and only you and only you and only you, my love

I can't believe that you would fall for all the crap in this song
I can't believe that you would fall for all the crap in this song

I'll be true
Forever true, forever true, my love
Stay with you
forever you, forever you, my love

I can't believe that you would fall for all the crap in this song
I can't believe that you would fall for all the crap in this song

I want you
and only you and only you and only you, my love
I need you
and only you and only you and only you, my love

forever you, forever you, my love
and only you and only you and only you, my love
forever you, forever you, my love
and only you and only you and only you, my love

I want you
and only you and only you and only you, my love
I need you
and only you and only you and only you, my love

Let The Monkey Drive

We're driving north on Highway 1
Toward Santa Barbara, lots of sun
Pacific Ocean on our left hand side
Tough Santa Barbara's on our mind, our love can't wait till after nine
So she says, 'Can't we let the monkey drive?'

Let the monkey drive, we can have our fun
As we hop in back, out on Highway 1
Let him take the wheel, 'neath the setting sun
Let the monkey drive, out on Highway 1

He's passing cars and passing trucks
And swigs some coffee from Starbucks
And in the backseat everything is fine
He never pries in our affairs
He never listens, never stares
And we three are enjoying our long ride

Let the monkey drive, we can have our fun
As we hop in back, out on Highway 1
Let him take the wheel, 'neath the setting sun
Let the monkey drive, out on Highway 1

Let the monkey drive, and it's only fair
It's the monkey's car and he hates to share
Let him chauffeur us, while we have our fun
Keep our love alive on Highway 1

With obscene gestures, learned from me
He works off some hostility
Toward drivers who might cut him off or slide
I think his license has expired, he seems to be a little wired
He has some trouble staying on our side

But you and me are doing fine
We couldn't wait till after nine
Impossible,our love is way too strong
He hits the brakes a couple times, but everything is superfine
I'm glad the monkey asked to come along

Let the monkey drive,we can have our fun
As we hop in back, out on Highway 1
Let him take the wheel, 'neath the setting sun
Let the monkey drive, out on Highway 1

Let the monkey drive, and it's only fair
It's the monkey's car and he hates to share
Let him chauffeur us, while we have our fun
Keep our love alive, out on Highway 1

I've Never Been High

Thrill rides and places, wide-open spaces
Played in a band, such harmless novelties
Wher's the forgetting, where's the regretting
Of lurid acts that never came to be

I've never been high, never been high, never been high
I've never been high, never been high, never been high

If I could buy it, maybe I'd try it
But my connections aren't what they once were
Paint me a picture, read me some scripture
Maybe I should've stuck it out with her

I've never been high, never been high, never been high
I've never been high, never been high, never been high
I've never been high. I've never been high
I've never been high. I've never been high

I've celebrated, birthdays and waited
Waited and waited, tomorrow's just a tease
Then I'll be something, then I'll be something
Look there's a camera, smile and say cheese

I've never been high, never been high, never been high
I've never been high, never been high, never been high

(She Got Me) Pregnant

She got me pregnant
Done using me
I'm just a memory

You know how these girls can be they treat you all so casually
They wine you and they dine you and expect a little la-dee-dee
And then you learn that though she's several thousand miles away
There is a part of her she's given you and now you have to deal with being
She got me pregnant,
She got me pregnant
She got me pregnant
Done using me
I'm just a memory

She got me pregnant,
She got me pregnant
She got me pregnant
Done using me
I'm just a memory

You know how society is showing some sobriety
By letting individuals decide on how they get their thrills
And if there is a consequence then you are left to deal with it
Government will not be there to tell you what to do if you get
She got me pregnant,
She got me pregnant
She got me pregnant
Done using me
I'm just a memory

She got me pregnant,
She got me pregnant
She got me pregnant
How can it be
Acted responsibly

I offer you I offer you a simple word of warning
Think it's never gonna happen to you, better, better, better think again

She got me pregnant,
She got me pregnant
Done using me
I'm just a memory

She got me pregnant,
She got me pregnant
She got me pregnant
How can it be
Acted responsibly

A wham and bam and thank you sir is all that I would get from her
I never should have given in I never should have given her
The golden opportunity to love me and to leave me
Without giving me the time of day and she is half the world away
I'm pregnant
She got me pregnant,
She got me pregnant
She got me pregnant
Done using me
I'm just a memory

She got me pregnant,
She got me pregnant
She got me pregnant
How can it be
Acted responsibly

She got me pregnant
Done using me
I'm just a memory

Lighten Up, Morrissey

She won't go out with me, no, she won't go out
'Cause my intellect's paper thin
She won't go out with me, no, she won't go out
Since my intellect's not like him

So, lighten up, Morrissey

She won't hang out with me, no, she won't hang out
'Til my biting wit bites like his
She won't hang out with me, no, she won't hang out
'Til my quick retort's quick as his

So, lighten up, Morrissey! Lighten up, lighten up
Lighten up, lighten up
Lighten up, Morrissey
Lighten up, lighten up
Lighten up, Morrissey

She won't have sex with me, no, she won't have sex
'Less it's done with a pseudonym
She won't do sport with me, no, she won't do sport
Says it's way, way too masculine, look at him

So, lighten up, Morrissey! Lighten up, lighten up
Lighten up, lighten up
Lighten up, Morrissey
Lighten up, lighten up
Lighten up, Morrissey

I got comparisons coming out my ears
And she never can hit the pause
If only Morrissey weren't so Morrisseyesque
She might overlook all my flaws

So, lighten up, Morrissey
Lighten up, lighten up
So, lighten up, Morrissey
Lighten up, lighten up
Lighten up, lighten up
Lighten up, Morrissey'
Lighten up, lighten up
Lighten up, Morrissey
She won't dine out with me, no, she won't dine out
Says my t-bone steak is at fault
She won't dine out with me, no, she won't dine out
With a murderer, pass the salt

Lighten up, lighten up
Lighten up, lighten up
Lighten up, Morrissey
Lighten up, lighten up

Lighten up, lighten up
Lighten up, Morrissey
Lighten up, lighten up
Lighten up, Morrissey

This Is The Renaissance

Middle ages sucked
Spent all day in prayer
Judgement Day was everyday and
Witches burning everywhere
But now we are in luck
Beauties everywhere
Paintings filled with foxy women
No one's got a cross to bear

This is the Renaissance
Came upon us all at once
Oh what a Renaissance
This is the Renaissance
Renaissance or Renai'ssance
It's still a Renaissance

If you like to read
Man, you are in luck
Gutenberg is cranking out The Bible with a centrefold
So let it all hang out
No one's gonna care
Flash a little ankle and the guys will lose their self-control

Cause this is the Renaissance
Came upon us all at once
Oh what a Renaissance
This is the Renaissance
Renaissance or Renai'ssance
It's still a Renaissance

Science is here
Nothing left to fear
Though the Earth is flat
It's not as flat as we feared
Music's gone wild
No Gregorian here
Contrapuntal music is the music that your parents fear

This is the Renaissance
Oh what a Renaissance
This is the Renaisssance
Oh what a Renaissance

"Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls
Welcome to The Renaissance
The dawning of a new day
Where every man is a king and every woman a queen

This is the Renaissance
What a Renaissance
This is the Renaissance
This is the Renaissance
What a Renaissance
This is the Renaissance

We can see the moon
We can see the stars
We can see the future and
The freeways and electric cars
And they might think we're quaint
We don't really care
We've got Michaelangelo and they graffiti everywhere

Cause this is the Renaissance
Came upon us all at once
Oh what a Renaissance
This is the Renaissance
Renaissance or Renai'ssance
It's still a Renaissance

It's still a Renaissance

The Director Never Yelled 'Cut'

The Director Never Yelled 'Cut'
The Director Never Yelled 'Cut'

Some directors like a lot of cutting, cutting, cutting
But it seems that this director has a different thing in mind
She could not articulate exactly what she wanted
What she wanted was a feeling that I tried so hard to find

The Director Never Yelled 'Cut'
The Director Never Yelled 'Cut'

Faith in her artistic vision lead me to continue
To express the sort of passion that I'd never shown before
I expected "yes, we've got it"
but there was no "yes, we've got it"
All that I could sense is that she wants a little more

The Director Never Yelled 'Cut'
The Director Never Yelled 'Cut'

Got to stay in character, for how long I can't tell you
And I feel we're getting closer though no indication yet
Then she says "we've got it", and I say "you sure we've got it?"
And she says "that is a wrap, that was your best performance yet"

The director finally yelled "cut"


Stars made to look younger
Sadness is erased
Baldness or aloofness
Gone without a trace
Signs you know the way to make men men
To make "Miss Everyday" a 10
To think you used to be my friend

Photoshop me out of your life(x6)

There you see a billboard
Faces super smooth
There an illustration
Whiteness, every tooth
Signs you've worked your magic once again
It's always better in the end
To think you used to be my friend

Photoshop me out of your life (x6)

Every blemish is gone in a flash
Lines that are crooked and colours that clash
Every blemish is gone in a flash
Lines that are crooked and colours that clash
Photoshop me out of your life (x4)
You know what you're doing
Look at the acclaim
Grant me one more favour
Alter the terrain
Make it look like as though I were in Hell
Or something near enough to Hell
Or something near enough to Hell
Give it a caption of "Farewell"

Photoshop me out of your life (x6)


I'm likeable(x4)

Cause I'm likeable,they all say
Wouldn't have it any other way
And there's no other reason things go my way
I'm just likeable night and day

No hidden motives and no master plan
Strangers come up, want to shake my hand
It's in my makeup, make 'em feel at ease
Without intending to I always please
Cause I'm likeable,they all say
Wouldn't have it any other way
And there's no other reason things go my way
I'm just likeable night and day

No-one ever wears a frown when they see me coming round
When they see me coming round no-one ever wears a frown
No-one ever wears a frown when they see me coming round

And I'm likeable come what may
That,in sums, my resume
And whatever the season they beg me to say
Cause I'm likeable come what may

I'm at a bar, they all want to pay
Men,women, old and young, straight and gay
Receiving favours for what I am
Seems rather strange, but I understand

Cause I'm likeable, they all say
Wouldn't have it any other way
And there's no other reason things go my way
I'm just likeable night and day

And I'm likeable come what may
That,in sums, my resume
And whatever the season they beg me to say
Cause I'm likeable come what may

Cause I'm likeable, they all say
Wouldn't have it any other way
And there's no other reason things go my way
I'm just likeable night and day
No-one ever wears a frown when they see me coming round
When they see me coming round no-one ever wears a frown
No-one ever wears a frown when they see me coming round

Likeable,they all say
Wouldn't have it any other way
Likeable, come what may
That,in sums, my resume

Wonder what it feels like to be in love
How would you describe it, like a push or shove
Guess I keep pretending this is all I need
Wanting more than what I have might appear as greed
Cause I'm likeable, they all say
Wouldn't have it any other way
And there's no other reason things go my way
I'm just likeable night and day
And I'm likeable, come what may
That,in sums, my resume
And whatever the season they beg me to stay
Cause I'm likeable, come what may

No-one ever wears a frown when they see me coming round
When they see me coming round no-one ever wears a frown
No-one ever wears a frown when they see me coming round
When they see me coming round no-one ever wears a frown

I don't care if you love me, just so you like me
I don't care if you love me, just so you like me
I don't care if you love me, just so you like me
I don't care if you love me, just so you like me
Like me like me like me like me like......

Flashback TV (90's): http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLNon...x-ynSkGKnOVxcUs
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сообщение 29.5.2008, 18:52
Сообщение #72
Скелетон и Лунатик
Группа: Модератор
Сообщений: 22 965
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Леша, спасибо за линк, буду качать! А вконтакте я еще не все видео пересмотрел, на выходных продолжу.

Well, there's a light at the end of the road...
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сообщение 29.5.2008, 19:57
Сообщение #73
beauty and vanity
Группа: Свой
Сообщений: 5 507
Регистрация: 24.2.2006
Из: Россия, Санкт-Петербург
Пользователь №: 11
Пол:   мужской

Цитата(jv11 @ 29.5.2008, 19:52) *

Леша, спасибо за линк, буду качать! А вконтакте я еще не все видео пересмотрел, на выходных продолжу.

Отлично, Юра, буду ждать твоих комментов sm93.gif

А то что-то совсем грустно от мысли, что не удастся выбраться на концерт Спарксов в Хельсинки (в этом году не будет ни одного концерта в России)... :((((((((

Кстати, советую второе (или даже третье) прослушивание "Экзотических тварей" совместить с чтением лирики. Лично меня просто наповал убил текст "Strange Animal", а в тексте "Let The Monkey Drive" под обезьяной явно имеется в виду американский президент mySm14.gif Хотя Алекс Константинов (гл. спарксоман всея РФ) разуверил меня:


"Пущай обезьяна рулит (страной)" - интересная мысль, но боюсь, песня просто про обезьяну, которую посадили за руль, чтобы предаваться плотским утехам на заднем сиденье.

Flashback TV (90's): http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLNon...x-ynSkGKnOVxcUs
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сообщение 11.6.2008, 0:48
Сообщение #74
beauty and vanity
Группа: Свой
Сообщений: 5 507
Регистрация: 24.2.2006
Из: Россия, Санкт-Петербург
Пользователь №: 11
Пол:   мужской


По волшебной ссылке я отсмотрел почти все концерты из 21-го, осталось всего два. Сегодняшний "Lil' Beethoven" был настоящим выносом мозга. Никогда не слышал таких хулиганских симфонических пассажей!.....

Завтра Спарксы полностью играют "Hello Young Lovers" (по московскому времени - в полночь), а 13-го числа - "Exotic Creatures..." (в 23.00).
Всем рекомендую ознакомиться с этими выступлениями, т.к. со временем они станут легендой!!!

Flashback TV (90's): http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLNon...x-ynSkGKnOVxcUs
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сообщение 28.9.2008, 20:45
Сообщение #75
Grunge not dead! =)
Группа: Свой
Сообщений: 693
Регистрация: 14.3.2007
Из: Новосибирск
Пользователь №: 641
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Смотрел недавно концерт одних из моих любимцев Faith No More, очень понравился их кавер на This Town Ain't Be Enough For Both Of Us группы Спаркс, вот захотелось качнуть какие-нибудь альбомчики, правда пока в раздумьях что же именно качать.
Посоветуйте пожалуйста :)

Shadows Collide With People
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сообщение 30.9.2008, 10:25
Сообщение #76
beauty and vanity
Группа: Свой
Сообщений: 5 507
Регистрация: 24.2.2006
Из: Россия, Санкт-Петербург
Пользователь №: 11
Пол:   мужской


- Kimono My House [1974]
- Propaganda [1974]
- Whomp That Sucker [1981]
- Plagiarism [1997] - там как раз 2 совместных трека с Faith No More
- Hello Young Lovers [2006]

У Спарксов большая часть творчества - электронная, не знаю, любишь ли ты электронику.... но вот их лучший электронный альбом:
- Number One In Heaven [1979]

Flashback TV (90's): http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLNon...x-ynSkGKnOVxcUs
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сообщение 27.9.2011, 21:30
Сообщение #77
beauty and vanity
Группа: Свой
Сообщений: 5 507
Регистрация: 24.2.2006
Из: Россия, Санкт-Петербург
Пользователь №: 11
Пол:   мужской

Спарксы запилили свой канал на твиттере: http://twitter.com/#!/sparksofficial

Теперь следить за новостями группы стало легче, но вот проблема: нет нормальных новостей. Группа не спешит с записью нового материала, а до сих пор носится как с писаной торбой со своим Бергманом(((((

Flashback TV (90's): http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLNon...x-ynSkGKnOVxcUs
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сообщение 9.4.2013, 16:05
Сообщение #78
beauty and vanity
Группа: Свой
Сообщений: 5 507
Регистрация: 24.2.2006
Из: Россия, Санкт-Петербург
Пользователь №: 11
Пол:   мужской

В кои веки на рутрекере сделали более-менее полную дискографию группы:


Между тем сами Спарксы по-своему борются с вседоступностью, которую дает Интернет. Новый сингл "Two Hands, One Mouth" издан только на номерных винилах, очень ограниченным тиражом и его можно будет купить (если очень повезет) только на концертах группы.

Flashback TV (90's): http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLNon...x-ynSkGKnOVxcUs
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сообщение 22.10.2013, 16:44
Сообщение #79
beauty and vanity
Группа: Свой
Сообщений: 5 507
Регистрация: 24.2.2006
Из: Россия, Санкт-Петербург
Пользователь №: 11
Пол:   мужской

Афиша сваяла ликбез по Спарксам:


В принципе, автору хотелось рога пообломать, если бы одно но: большой респект чуваку за популяризацию творчества Братьев.

Flashback TV (90's): http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLNon...x-ynSkGKnOVxcUs
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